Friday, June 4, 2010

IN HOUSE TRAINING - Fire Fighting Training (2 days) & First Aid and CPR (2 days)

Tarikh : 5 & 6 Julai 2010 (First Aid Training)
19 & 20 Julai 2010 (Fire Fighting Training)

Lokasi : Bandar Menjalara, Kepong

Kursus : In house (8 kekosongan setiap kursus)

Yuran : Berpatutan , bukan cari untung...hanya mau tolong - RM 400.00 (kedua-dua kursus)


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: -
􀂉 understand the main provisions of OSHA 1994 related to the roles of employers and
employees in preventing fire risks and Fire Services Act 1988 related to managing
fire safety management at the workplace
􀂉 understand the active and passive fire prevention systems in mitigating fire risks
􀂉 demonstrate the proper way of using fire fighting equipment including fire
extinguishers, hose reels and fire hoses.
􀂉 know the correct and safe actions in fire emergency and evacuation procedures

1. Overview of Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994
2. Overview of Fire Services Act 1988
3. Fire Safety Management
4. Fire Fighting Equipment
5. Good Housekeeping Practices
6. Emergency and Rescue Evacuation Procedures
7. Developing Emergency Response Team
8. Practical Session of Fire Fighting Equipment

Interactive Lectures Sessions, Group Discussion, Practical Workplace Inspection and Video

􀂉 Emergency Response Team (ERT) members
􀂉 Safety and Health Officers / Committee Members / Leaders
􀂉 Supervisors or Line Leaders

2 days (9.00am – 5.00pm)

Training Notes - Bahasa Malaysia and English
Delivery - Bahasa Malaysia



1. To prepare the participants to be confident and competent First Responder.
2. To comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994.
3. To create the awareness that knowledge in First Aid and CPR can make the
difference between life and death

Course Content / Module

1. Patient Assessment
2. Adult One Rescuer CPR
3. Adult FBAO Management
4. Emergency Care Management
5. Wound Management
6. Shock
7. Burns and Scalds
8. Fractures
9. Victim Handling and Transportation


AV Presentation, Multi-media (where possible) & 80% Hands-on Practical Session
♦ Every participant would have an opportunity
♦ Practice on simulated injuries
♦ As in true life with artificial blood (to allay fear and give the necessary confidence)


The duration of the course will be 2 days.


• The Instructors would also be assessing the performance during the skill-stations.
• Performance test on practical skills and a written test of a multiple choice format
will be conducted during and at the end of the course.


Participants who achieve the necessary standard (not less than 70%) in cognitive
(written and psychomotor skills) will be awarded a certificate for successful

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Occupational Health


Occupational disease is any disease caused by or due to activities or environmental factors at the work place.

Occupational Lung Diseases
Building Related Illness
Occupational Skin Diseases
Liver Disease
Muskuloskeletal Diseases
Renal Disease
Cardiovascular System Diseases
Psychiatrics Disease / Mental Health Disturbance
Reproductive System Diseases
Occupational Cancers
Central Nervous System Diseases


Pesticide/ Herbicide / Rodenticide / Fungicide
Pressure (Hyperbaric dan hipobaric)
Noise Induce Hearing Lost
Infectious Agent/ Infectious Occupational Diseases

Physical Hazard
Extreme Temperature
Hipobaric/Hyperbaric Pressure

Chemical Hazard

Acid / Alkali.
Anasthetic Gas
Cytotoxic Drugs

Biological Hazard

Ergonomic Hazard

Repetitive Motion
Musculoskeletal Injury
Static Motion
Visual Display Unit
Lifting Weight

Psychososial Hazard
Occupational Stress
Drugs and substance addiction
Depresion, anxiety disorders
Sexual harassment


Topic: Perlukan pendapat

Shah Tow saya perlukan pendapat dari otai2.. telah terdapat kemalangan di premis saya bekerja.. jatuh dari tempat tinggi.. lebih kurang 10meter... mangsa telah patah kaki.. patah tangan dan koma.. (Bangladesh).. syarikat tersebut adalah penyewa premis di tempat saya.. saya sebagai SHO tuan kepada penyewa ingin membuat siasatan berkaitan kemalangan tersebut.. tetapi dihalang oleh majikan saya dan majikan penyewa tersebut.. JKKP 6 telah dihantar ke DOSH subang.. tapi.. saya masih tidak nampak sisatan dibuat.. so.. apa pendapat otai2 semua.. perlukah saya mendiamkan diri... situasi saya tersepit sekarang... kalau kite lebih2 nanti.. faham2 sudah la... saya budak baru belajar....
May 24 at 11:09am · Report

Sypudin Ramli bro, dah hantar JKKP 6 (JKKP 6 - LAPORAN MENGENAI KEMALANGAN/KEJADIAN BERBAHAYA) ke JKKP Selangor kira ok la tu, kira dalam form JKKP 6 tu lengkap, tunggu aje JKKP call/sms/ datang buat siasatan, kalau tak ada bro,.....faham2 sudah la......
May 24 at 2:32pm · Delete Post

Shah Tow acident dah terjadi... kesian kat member.. anak bini kat kampung... patah kaki.. tangan.. koma lagi... tak tahu boleh jalan ke tidak...harapan 50/50 .. hmm...puas dah nasihat... memo pun tak jalan.. sekarang bila dah accident.. semua nak sorok.. sho tersepit... mana nak ikut... lebih2 nanti jawabnye.. ada yg kene buang lah.. macam2 cara boleh... hmm.. entah la...tak pe lah at lease saya dah buat kerja saya...thnks kengkawan..
May 24 at 8:42pm · Report

Eddy Marcello Yg penting bro dh hntr JKKP 6, pastikan bro ada simpan copy dan bukti penerimaan dr DOSH. Itu bermakna bro dh jalankan tnggungjwb bro. Cuba2 la follow up kt DOSH, klu diam jgk mknanya faham2 la...kita ni mkn gj je..kerja ikut arahan je tp tanggungjwb jgn lupa.
May 25 at 8:52am · Report

Shah Tow eddy: thnks bro
May 25 at 11:59am · Report

Mohd Nazib Marwan Bukan semua kes kemalangan..JKKP akan siasat. Mana yg High Profile & yg diarahkan je br diorang pegi siasat. So, tggu je la. Kalo diorang x datang...relax sket keje. Kang dapat NOP pulak. Bile diorang tanya...tunjuk la salinan JKKP 6 tu. Dulu aku siasat kemalangan maut je. Yg patah2 ni x pernah pulak aku g siasat.
May 25 at 12:13pm · Report

Won -Ahmad Fakhrul Anuar kalau kes macam ni biasanya dosh akan datang pasal dia koma... dosh biasa akan datang kalau ada kes hilang anggota badan, cacat, koma dan especially kalau mati mesti diorang datang...di nasihatkan, kalau tak de apa apa tindakan dari dosh,boleh pergi ke dosh untuk berbincang.. boelh ceritakan pada dosh officer pasal your boss dengan penyewa punya boss.. at least kalau kena tindakan sekali mungkin lepas ni diorang boleh berubah dan lebih appreciate safety...... kalau di diamkan jer.. mungkin lepas ni dorang langsung tak kisah pasal safety... banyak keburukan tu...
May 25 at 9:22pm · Report

Eddy Marcello Ok jgk ko buat kdg2 org kt dosh pn tkleh caya jgk, diorg akan maklumkn pd majikan ko yang ko ada buat aduan. Lps tu ko paham2 aje la...silap2 hbs periuk ns ko..Kes mcm ni dh bnyk...ada jgk kwn2 aku yg terkena...
May 26 at 8:33am · Report

Mohd Nazib Marwan senang cite...buat x tau je. Aku pernah dok dlm dosh selangor. X yah nak pening2. Janji ada jkkp 6, ada buat siasatan kemalangan & ada langkah2 pencegahan. Semua tu dah cukup. Lepas tu jgn lupa hntr jkkp sblm 31 januari thn depan. Kang kalau ngadu dkt dosh...hang yg kena balik nnti. Lg sakit hati. Mcm biasa dosh pun cakap ..."Saya yang menurut perintah".
May 26 at 10:14am · Report

Won -Ahmad Fakhrul Anuar nazib.. ha ha.. betul betul betul.... saya yagn menurut perintah... good word..
May 26 at 11:21am · Report

Shah Tow eddy: itu yg aku bimbangkan tu.... nak tak nak aku terpaksa diamkan jer... tunggu DOSH... hmmm..
May 26 at 10:01pm · Report

Sypudin Ramli bro, MOHD NAZIB MARWAN, hang pernah tinggal kat DOSH?kalau macam tu hang punya nasihat/cadangan/pandangan.........kami kena ikut betul2 kalau pihak lain dah kena suruh tubuhkanSURUHANJAYA SIASATAN DIRAJA..............
May 27 at 6:29am · Delete Post

Shah Tow kadangkala tindakan yg macam nilah menjadikan jawatan SHO ni dipandang remeh.. contoh: SHO:"bos itu kerja aa mnyak bahaya wo.. bos kena bagi competant punya olang bikin woo..." bos: "talak hal punya la... kalau ada accident haa.. kita boleh kautim punyaa.. hahaha... kasi cut kos maaaa..... ayaaa... kasi compeny untung manyakkk.. ok..l"lebih kurang camtu la dialognyer... ehtah ler...
May 27 at 8:01am · Report

Eddy Marcello Nama aje SAFETY FIRST tp bila buat keje 'production first safety last' yg penting company mesti untung tk mau rugi. Polisi 'STOP WORK' langsung tk nk guna...takut rugi bila terpaksa stop keje. Bahaya tk bahaya kene jalan jugak keje....Itulah senario majikan2 kita di malaysia skrg ni...realiti..
May 27 at 9:24am · Report

Mohd Nazib Marwan Kapt Sypudin - Kita prnh jumpa dulu. Masa tu u keje dgn construction company. Kalau x silap org la. Tp aku x igt projek dkt mana. Nak buat mcm mana bro, enforcement x cukup & tak efektif. Dasar pasal safety dh ok tp atas kertas je. Nk buat mcm mana....tokey2 kilang & construction dh jadi member baik dgn org2 kuat jkkp. Dah kautim awal2 sblm u all jd safety officer lg. Sbnrnya safety ni kene ada komitmen drpd top senang nak buat pelaksanaan safety kat tmpt keje. X guna tggu jkkp. Diorang dtg bile ada kes kemalangan besar @ maut je. Br diorang mainkan peranan & cari kesalahan sykt. Berapa lama jkkp x dtg inspection tmpt keje u all skrg ni? Ada yang dh bertahun x dtg. Kilang x berdaftar pun byk. Bkn x notify @ apply tp x tau apa masalah diorang. So, x yah pening2 kepala kalau jkkp x dtg buat siasatan kemalangan.
May 28 at 10:26am · Report

Sypudin Ramli bro, aku pun ingat2 lupa juga pernah jumpa bro dulu..................betul tu bro, dari awal kita cakap faham-faham aje le ......kita tukar kebuat-buat tak faham aje....................SETUJU BEBENOR.....Nazib, u berhenti awal ke pencen awal ?""Tokey2 kilang & construction dh jadi member baik dgn org2 kuat jkkp. Dah kautim awal2 sblm u all jd safety officer lg""Power ayat, ni first time dengar ni statement berani mati sejak joint SHE 1999 lagi.Ni kalau ahli MIC ni dah sah-sah kena PECAT ni.Apa pun bro, aku suka orang yg berterus terang dari hanya tahu tapi berpura-puratidak tahu dan pandai bagi nasihat/pandangan yg terlalu ilmiah & akademik......
May 29 at 10:48am · Delete Post

Ajim Azhim aslmkum.bkn nk ckp apa cume nk bg pendapat.try la wt report pd dosh melalui website DOSH.kalau nk biar kita yg 'phm2 dan diorg ni'apa yg akn jd ngn negara kita ni.kalau sume benda nk simpan ngn duit,sorok ngn duit,bila malaysia nk maju.da mmg sah2 la malaysia ni segala2nye lembap,ni lg nk tambahkan lembap lg.aku mmg pantang ngn rasuah ni.xabis2 kautim.
May 29 at 5:28pm · Report

Shah Tow hmm.. pendapat sayalah.. yg baru belaja nih.. kalau semua towkey boleh kautim.. ape gunanya kite lagi... lama kelamaan SHO-SHO akan hilang pasaran... inilah keburukan2 kautim mengkautim ni... jadi buat ape lah SHO-SHO ni bayar ribu-riban utk blajar.. 2-3 kali ambik exam.. kursus sana-sini.. hmm.. adoiyaii... dunia2..
May 29 at 6:38pm · Report

Adam Salan Shah, saya respect pendirian anda. Saya nampak motif utama awak adalah agar DOSH dapat mengambil tindakan susulan dan ianya tak kunjung tiba. Sebagai tuan tanah, awak rasa perlu menyiasat kes tersebut bersama-sama tenant awak agar ianya tidak berulang lagi. Dalam sistem pengurusan HSE company anda, tidak jelas penglibatan anda dalam siasatan dan sebab itu pengurusan company anda mengambil langkah selamat tidak terlibat langsung dalam kes ini. Anda juga telah memastikan JKKP 6 telah dihantar (oleh siapa? Company anda ataupun penyewa anda)Kalau dah draw clear line of responsibility of tenant dan tuan tanah, better you follow the guide as long as ianya selari dengan kehendak OSHA 94. Rasanya awak dah buat serba sedikit siasatan dan tahu punca dan sebabnya. Jadi ianya boleh digunakan untuk memperbaiki sistem HSE company anda. Kita pandang kedepan.Perjalanan masih jauh. Kaji bagaimana kita boleh bekerjasama dengan penyewa dalam mengurusan HSE yg lebih effektif.
May 29 at 11:35pm · Report

Friday, March 19, 2010

OSHAS 18001 & MS 1722 & ISO 14001

OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System- Requirements
This standard enables an organization to manage its occupational health and safety (OHS) risks and improve its OHS performance. The requirements of the standard are intended to address occupational health and safety for employees, temporary employees, contractors and other personnel on site rather than the safety of products and services. Conformance to this standard will provide a more effective method of protecting employees and others from workplace injuries and illnesses. It will also demonstrate the management commitment in meeting OSH legal requirements.

MS 1722 Part 1 Occupational Safety and Health Management System - Part 1: Requirements
This is a Malaysian Standard on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems based on International Labour Organisation’s standard OSH MS 2001. As the requirements of this standard are equivalent to OHSAS 18001, auditing and certification to this standard can be carried out simultaneously.

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System

ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized standard for the establishment of an organization’s environmental management system. The standard requires the organization to systematically identify and manage the environmental aspects and impacts resulting from its activities, products and/or services.

ISO 14001 is applicable to all types of organization, large or small, whether in the private or public sectors. The implementation of ISO 14001 can improve an organization’s environmental performance. It also enhances the public image of an organization, ensures legal compliance and facilitates access to a growing ‘green’ market.

Accident Involving Mobile Crane

On 17/01/2008 at about 3.00pm, a verbal report was received on a fatal accident case involving a 45 tonnes truck mounted crane (Model:Tadano; PMA 9284). The location was at the proposed Putra Square project, Kuantan, Pahang. On the day of the accident, several workers were undertaking relocation work involving two units of transformers within the building.
The crane had been positioned outside of the building for hoisting work, with all its legs extended and rested on wooden footings which were placed on the ground. But one of the four legs that was supported on the wooden footing was found to be placed on top of a drainage culvert.During the preparatory process for the lifting of a 4,150 kgs transformer, the ground on top of the culvert suddenly gave way causing the leg and wooden footing to
puncture through the culvert.

The forensic engineering investigation that was conducted, revealed that the culvert failed because it could not withstand the loading from the crane. Consequently,the sudden inclination of the crane body from the failure of the culvert caused the hook block to swing and struck the deceased who happened to be nearby.The deceased was caught in between the swinging hook block and the transformer to be hoisted and sustained serious injury.
It is advised that the following safety measures be upheld during any lifting operation involving the use of truck mounted crane:

1. As a safety precautionary measure, risk assessment shall be carried out on the surrounding area prior to any work activity involving hoisting of material.

2. The view of the driver must not be obstructed.He must be able to see clearly the position of the workers and the loads to be lifted.

3. The legs of the crane have to be supported on strong,secure and suitably sized footings.Any wooden footing used shall be free from any deterioration when exposed to damp environment.

4. The crane shall be supported on the solid ground which is level and properly compacted.

5. To appoint signalman who is competent and trained and able to communicate clearly with the driver in any emergency situation which arises during lifting operation.

6. The crane operator has to be registered with DOSH and in possession of a valid crane operator certificate.

7. The accident can be avoided if the employer undertakes and upholds safe system of work.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Scaffolds Failure At Construction Site

Scaffolds Failure At Construction Site

Recently, an accident involving failure of frame scaffolds
occurred at a construction site. The scaffolds, which had
been erected to enable the cement plastering work
on the external faces of the building to be undertaken collapsed
and caused injuries to thirteen (13) construction workers
who were working on top of the scaffolds.

Photograph: Part of the scaffolds installed in the
building construction site The frame scaffolds
had been errected by the contractor who wanted to carry
out cements plastering work on the external faces of the building.
The scaffolds were erected more than thirty meters
in height from the ground. The construction workers were
doing the cement plastering work when the scaffolds that
were used to support their working platforms suddenly
collapsed. DOSH's investigation revealed that the scaffolds
were erected not in accordance to the design and drawings
of a professional engineer. The scaffolds were not fitted with
adequate number of tiebacks as would have been recommended
by professional engineer and the components were
old and rusty. Old joint pins and arm locks were also used.
Besides, the designated person also did not carry out
monthly inspection on the scaffolds.
1. The scaffolds erection must be undertaken under the charge of a designated person and must be erected in accordance to the design and drawings of a professional engineer.
2. The scaffolds components need to be checked and confirmed to be in safe and good condition for use before installation.
3. Monthly inspections need to be carried out to make sure the scaffolds are safe for the workers.
4. The main contractor must carry out risk assessment on the construction process that is being carried out and extend the requirement to all sub contractors involved.
5. Contractor must comply with Section X, Factories and Machinery (Building Operations and Work of Engineering Construction) (Safety) Regulations 1986 on scaffolds and make reference to the Guidelines of Safe Scaffolds Installation and Guidelines on Protection from Falls at Workplace.

Daftar Kemalangan, Kejadian Berbahaya,Keracunan & Penyakit Pekerjaan

Sila isi borang - JKKP 8 (I/II/III/IV)
Borang boleh download di
Hantar satu salinan rekod dan perkiraan kepada Ketua Pengarah
JKKP negeri masing-masing -
sebelum 31 Januari setiap tahun.

* Jika sesuatu organisasi tidak mempunyai sebarang kes untuk
di rekodkan di dalam Daftar, sila beritahu Ketua Pengarah secara
bertulis dengan memberi butiran Organisasi yang lengkap seperti di
muka surat 1 JKKP 8.